Melinda McRae is a proud native of the Pacific Northwest, where she lives with, and is a servant to, her two mysterious black cats. She is the author of 10 Regencies, 4 Historicals and 5 Novellas, all for Penguin/Signet. She holds a MA in Modern European History which provided the foundation for her obsessive researching of Regency history.
During the new century, she was sidetracked into becoming a computer nerd, and earned an MS degree in Human Centered Design and Engineering (designing user-friendly websites) and worked at the local university for over 19 years. Go Dawgs!
She spent the Covid lockdown working on getting her back list converted to ebooks, and focusing on her other obsession – family genealogy. She took advantage of online webinars and conferences to further her formal genealogical education as well as expand her own family tree research. (Scotland, Canada, Germany, Lithuania and Switzerland)
When not researching history and genealogy, she busies herself with gardening in the summer and knitting during football season.
Currently she is putting the final touches on a Regency-period urban fantasy, and writing the first book in a proposed series of more traditional regencies with a magical twist.